Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

2019-20 Approved LCAP  (updated 09-13-19 w/EDCOE edits and includes the Budget Overview for Parents)




Per BP 3100: The committee shall submit recommendations during the budget development process and its duties shall be assigned each year based on district needs. All recommendations of the committee shall be advisory only and shall not be binding on the Board.

Per AR 3100:  The committee's duties may include, but not necessarily be limited to:

  1. Making recommendations regarding budget priorities

  2. Recommending cost reduction strategies, such as identifying services that may be reduced, made more efficient, or discontinued

  3. Reviewing the clarity and effectiveness of budget documents and communications

  4. Presenting progress reports on the committee's work and a final report of recommendations to the Superintendent or designee and to the Board


Per AR 3100:  Membership of the district's budget advisory committee may include representatives of each of the following groups:

  1. Board of Trustees members, provided that less than a majority of the Board serves on the committee

  2. District and school site administrators

  3. Representatives of bargaining units

  4. Certificated and/or classified staff

  5. Parents/guardians

  6. Representatives of the business community and/or other community members

  7. Students

2018-20 Final LCAP:

2018-20 LCAP with EDCOE edits 9-14-18 / Espanol

2018-2019 LCAP letters and responses to stakeholders

C Heuser; C Owens; D Murphy; N Lyons; S Green; H Marrs; H Reynolds

2018-19 Indian Creek Student Survey Results

2018-19 Herbert Green Student Survey Results

LCAP-BACT & DTA Meeting Notes 2017-18

LCAP-BACT & DTA Meeting #7 04-19-18

LCAP-BACT & DTA Meeting #6 03-22-18

LCAP-BACT & DTA Meeting #5 03-19-18

LCAP-BACT & DTA Meeting #4 02-26-18

LCAP-BACT & DTA Meeting #3 02-08-18

LCAP-BACT & DTA Meeting #2 01-29-18

LCAP-BACT & DTA Meeting #1 01-16-18

2017-18 LCAP-BACT & Differentiated Technical Assistance

LCAP 2016-17 (Plan)

2017-20 LCAP with EDCOE Requested Edits

LCAP 2016-17 (Supporting meetings and letters)

Letter to Heilman, Jones & Ward 06-21-17

2017-20 LCAP 06-09-17 Posted for Board Packet 06-14-17 and 06-28-17

Letter to LCAP-BACT Team 06-13-17

Letter to A Bose ; Letter to N McCarthy                           

Letter to C Owens ; Letter to C Heilman

2017-20 LCAP Stakeholder Engagement  Form due 06-02-17

LCAP (Archived plans and supporting meetings and letters)

2016-17 LCAP

LCAP-BACT Team Meeting #5 Notes 05-23-17

2016-2017 Student Survey Results

2016-2017 Parent Survey Results

LCAP-BACT Team Meeting #4 Notes 04-06-17 Amended 05-02-17

LCAP-BACT Team Meeting #3 Notes 03-09-17

LCAP-BACT Team Meeting #2 Notes 02-23-17 Amended 02-26-17

LCAP-BACT Team Meeting #1 Notes 01-12-17 Amended 01-19-17

2016-19 LCAP Final EDCOE edits 08-15-16

2016-19 LCAP FINAL 06-09-16